Τρίτη 11 Φεβρουαρίου 2020

A 'royal crisis', or unpredictable 'healthy renewal' of roles in British Royal Family ?

The last few months saw an increased raw of media spotlights to the British Royal family. Using the precondition of pending major royal crisis countless reports covered every new spotlight - either official or presumed - of something, that elsewhere is nothing more than a normal development of customary roles in a discreet way. There were, however, several misfortunate moments for popular royals, combined with tarnished reputations that could indeed be reviewed as seriously affecting the "internal affairs" of royal family.

Given all these headlines of major attention, and with what follows next being more clear now, there is a short summary of those events that recently unfolded & led to a bid quicker evolution of future roles in the household of probably the most influensive & record-breaking monarch in today's world!

Britain's Queen Elizabeth II (right) & Kaiser Franz Joseph II of
Austria-Hungary, the previous 5th longest-reigning Sovereign
This personality has the priviledge to be recorded as the longest ever lived & reigned monarch in Britain, the oldest & longest-reigning incumbent Head of State, the longest reigning female monarch in history, who recently became the 5th longest-reigned Sovereign head of state in the world (permanently entitled as such) and is the only state leader who heads 16 nations together & symbolically leads the independent, interdependent structure of the Commonwealth of nations; HM Queen Elizabeth II, who is going to be 94 in ~ two months & has reached her incredible reign's 68th anniversary.

Key to Freedom's owner & abuser:

Prince Andrew, Duke of York (left)
& Jeffrey Epstein (1953-2019)
In August 2019 US financier Jeffrey Epstein, convicted & charged for sex trafficking of underage females, was found dead in his prison cell in a possible suicide. Following his death a lot of suspended criminal charges against him went unanswered, but sues by several victims to his "collegues in offends" remained. One among the latter is the second son of British Queen, Prince Andrew, the Duke of York. His Royal Highness has undertaken various public engagements as a full-working royal & even found charities, one of them - the Key to Freedom - empowering women who suffered from sexual assaults in the past. A divorse since 1996, he is the father of two daughters, Princesses Beatrice & Eugenie, who - while not full-working royals - have royal titles as The Queen's male-line grandchildren.

Prince Andrew allegedly had sexual contact three times with
Virginia Roberts (pict.) who then was an underage sex slave
Prince Andrew had met Epstein & his socialite former partner Ghislaine Maxwell in the 1990s. While himself the prince stated they were not so close, evident sources tell they had an extend friendship, & were seen together attending several public & private events, including a party with Donald J. Trump in a luxurious Florida residence. It is also reported that both men hosted each other in private estates & that the Duke (& even his former wife) were benefited by either Epstein's jets, or money donations to clear debts. Among other accusations, Andrew was alleged to having sex three times with Epstein's former sex-slave, Virginia Roberts (then an underage), while another one, Johanna Sjoberg, claimed he touched her inappropriately during a night stay at Jeffrey's mansion, where she was also serving as Roberts. The Prince, in several interviews, with the most recent one hosted at the palace, denied all accusations & claimed he was elsewhere when these things happened. This interview however was crushed by another of Virginia Roberts, where she emotionally recalled the abuses she suffered by him, while at the same time insiders of Andrew's close circle confirmed his exact whereabouts, not as he had pointed.

In the wake of this quick & unsteadfast development of situation last fall, Prince Andrew issued a statement on November 20 (2019), announcing his intention to "step back from public duties for the foreseeable future", which his mother, The Queen, agreed with. His Royal Highness conceded with the fact that his case brought a major disruption to the image & work of British Royal family and expressed his regret for his ill-judged assossiation with the sex-offender. He finally sympathised the victims & expressed his willingness to cooperate with them in possibly required future investigations. The 59-year-old Prince made this announcement on the 72nd wedding anniversary of his parents, Queen Elizabeth (93) & Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh (98). This move does not affect either of his status or patronages, while he will continue to receive his public foundings as a senior royal (8th in line of succession to the British throne). Even his 60th birthday on February 19 (2020), for which several pre-planned formal events (& large celebrations) were cancelled, will still be celebrated in a private luncheon, hosted by The Queen, and government arrangements of flying union Jack's (UK) flags in official buildings on that day - the birthday a child of the monarch - is still in due, as normal.

Low-key Royal wedding' consequence:
Princess Beatrice of York & Edo Mapelli Mozzi

The summarised situation affects the position & royal prestige not only of the Duke of York himself, but his immediate family as well. While Prince Andrew was ambitious for his daughters to take a role, similar to the sons of his elder brother (Charles, Prince of Wales), in the aftermath of such circumstances it becomes even less possible than before. Beatrice & Eugenie do undertake few royal engagements & are entitled to the style of Royal Highness & title of Princesses of York (by birth); and at the same time are allowed to lead a private life & work. However, changes in 'royal treatment' can be evident from now; Princess Eugenie's royal wedding in October 2018 was a public event, held at Windsor Castle, involving carriage procession, live broadcast & publicly founded secutiry measures. Meanwhile Princess Beatrice, who is going to marry her fiance, Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi, on May 29 this year (as was recently announced), will have a much more simple wedding, held in private at St. James' (within Buckingham) palace, without a live broadcast & more, popular events.

From full-working royals to first class royal celebrities:

At their wedding in 2018, Prince Harry & Meghan Markle
were the most popular(ly viral) royal couple in the world
Then comes the most mentioned part of "royal crisis" - TRH The Duke & Duchess of Sussex. Prince Henry (Harry), the second son of the Prince of Wales, was happily married to African-American former actress & feminist activist Meghan Markle in May 2018. Their royal wedding at Windsor Castle was broadcasted worldwide & Meghan's entrance to such a long-rooted prestigious dynasty had been widely seen as a new chapter in its "old fashioned" establishment. Their son, Archie Harrison Mountbatten Windsor was born in May last year & after their decision, didn't take a royal title. Their situation, however, was not one to be dealt for easy, as their over-reproduced popularity. Several tabloids of the British media highlighted ocassional dedications about Their Royal Highnesses' private affairs with often unconfirmed reports that created untruthful opinions about their family life & relations with British royal family.

The Queen & Prince Philip (left) were pleased to welcome
their newest great-grandchild, born in May last year
The tensions gradually increased & in late September (2019) Prince Harry 'filled a claim' to the High Court against the Mail & Associated Newspaper (its parent company) for illegal use of (the Duchess') private information, "infringement of copyright and breach of the Data Protection Act 2018". In a statement he issued on October 1, the Duke used a personal tone, expressing conserns for his wife becoming a victim of manipulation by a "ruthless campaign" of powerful media forces. He urged the more than ever need of a free & responsible media in today's world, and took a strong stance against bullying & malicious acts of the abovementioned British taboids. HRH defended his wife saying that she didn't change from the woman she was a year earlier & stood decisively not to allow history repeating itself, after having foreseen the danger of his wife falling a victim of the same "long & disturbing patern of behaviour" as his late mother - Diana, Princess of Wales. The prince notably mentioned the unnoticed, but important public support they enjoyed.

The decisive step of the Duke & Duchess of Sussex:

The royal changes were discussed with
The Queen & other involved parties
That amount of public support was what the Duke & Duchess used in a joint statement they issued on January 8, 2020, via their newly-created official website. Through it they announced their decision to "step back" from their currently known roles, retaining their committment to serve HM The Queen & their responsibilities over the numerous founds & patronages they lead. This decision was meant mostly so TRH could become financially independent (by the taxpayer), attend less formal engagaments in Britain & split their time between UK & Canada in order to raise their son in privacy. Buckingham palace announced the same day that discussions about these changes with the Sussexes are yet 'at an early state'. Prince Harry & Duchess Meghan had been an inevitable support for Her Majesty as full working royals, participating or heading multiple charities & private foundations, addressing mental health, sexual violence, wildlife protection, & many more similar issues. After scheduled talks on January 13 between The Queen, The Prince of Wales, The Duke of Cambridge (Henry's elder brother) & the Duke of Sussex; a statement with a notice on behalf of Queen Elizabeth II was published, which in a partially personal node, announced Her Majesty's agreement to that flexible adaptation of her grandson & his wife. That of course would mean that the latter should not anymore be listed as senior royals & styled "Royal Highnesses" in which they have had conceded. Elizabeth stated among others, that while she would prefer they to remain full-working royals, she understands & respects their decision; the transition is going to be finalized by early Spring (2020).
Discussions bwtween The Queen, Prince of Wales &
Dukes of Cambridge & Sussex took place on Jan, 13

MEGXIT or the loudest restoration of ordinary roles in a royal family?

Ordinary the 'major' British royals are among direct heirs
In short, that is what took place last month & was made an ill-treated highlight story in all royal media worldwide, often overshadowing several more important events from the wide public eye. For the British Royal family, though this intention wasn't unexpected, it turned into a radical way of unpredictable speed. And the overal press attention - which described it as a "Megxit", dubbling to the ongoing that time Brexit proceedings - made it more difficult to be dealt with privately. But in other cases, such changes are more predictable & happen (if ever) ordinarly & without wider speculations. Such an example is Sweden, when King Carl XVI Gustaf recently removed five of his seven grandchildren from senior future royal responsibilities. Or course, (UK's) Prince Harry is in a position of future monarchs' younger son & brother, and thus his certainly expected major royal position was more difficult to be avoided. Put it also that through his mother, who was a worldwide royal celebrity, and her fate due to her over-popularity, it's now inevitable that he & his brother (as well as their families) will remain on the media spectrum regardless their future positions. But there could still be another approach - & it should be such, for the survival & healthy renewal of British Royal family, without turning it to a cheaply reproduced empty show of non-royal celebrities. There is not a crisis at all, such as the Duke of Sussex was never a direct heir to the throne. And since his brother is happily married with three young children & Prince Harry - who remains in line of succession - occupies just the 5th place of his grandmother's heirs, this voluntary reformation of his role, especially after it was agreed & planned by the senior royal family's elite, the only thing that is necessary to be done, is a concrete reporting of everything that happened without any further speculation & baseless fear, or even positions for & against their wish to stand out of spotlight. This is not the story of the year, not even the month; its just a causual evolution within the multimembered British Royal family towards its certain senior roles, which happens to have taken an unpredictable course! For Queen Elizabeth II it may have been indeed a couple of difficult months. However, such as back in early 1990s, when a wider spectrum of disasters occured, she remains evidently steadfast & adaptive enough to overcome them, as well as the recently confirmed separation of her eldest grandson from his wife (of 12 years).
Peter & Autumn Phillips recently confirmed their separation

There is the publication about natural (but predictable) royal House changes in Sweden last October:

So... who is going to prevail as senior 'royal' in popularity ?
Previous publications, relative to the topic (about members of British Royal family):

& Links of further information:

Δευτέρα 3 Φεβρουαρίου 2020

BreaKING: 'a fourt child' for Belgium's Ex-King, or truth revealed after 51 years!

When shall a hot topic in modern royalty be trending towards popularity nowadays? Are there still such intriguing stories about long-lasting mariages with infidelities, illegitimate children & their claims for parental recognition (if not succession rights); that have not been forgotten in favor of some popular celebrities whom royal media prefer to cover everyday with 90% rumors & just 10% of recycled facts? To find them you shouldn't look very far & wide; as the former King of the Belgians has just admitted such a paternity! Yes, its true & given that King Albert II's 60 year-marriage is still valid makes it even more extraordinary! So let's take a summary of this hot story!

The Prince & Princess of Liege with their children, early 1960s
HM King Albert II was the second son of a King & younger brother of another. He hadn't therefore any intense preparation to succeed the throne, but choose to marry first (in 1959) to Paola Ruffo di Calabria, an Italian noblewoman whose love was reportedly from the first sight. They had quickly three children born, while Albert's elder brother King Baudouin & his (Spanish born) wife Queen Fabiola could not produce any child after seven unsuccessful attempts. It gradually became evident that the Prince of Liege (as Albert's title then was) would succeed the throne, as it happened in 1993, when Baudouin suddenly died without leaving an apparent heir.

In their first years of reign, King Albert II, Queen Paola & their now grown up children enjoyed wide popularity, but a biography of the Queen in 1999 flashed the light to an old, forgotten story! It was back in the late '60s & early '70s, that Albert & Paola's marriage faced a serious crisis. They lived most of their lives in separate, both had extramarital affairs & even were reportedly trying to divorse, but failed due to the strong mandatory of their Catholic knot. However the most threading topic was just to be made public: King Albert had a daughter from his out-of-wedlock affair! The King himself tried to avoid further speculations & in his Christmas speech of that year just referred a dangerous crisis "30 years ago", stating that they have since reconciled. And they did, but IT didn't.

Thus in the early 2000s the indentity of the King's daughter-in-pretendence was revealed: madame Delphine Boël, a skilled sculptor, born in 1968 & by then married, began seeking for recognition from her real father, who of course avoided any contact with her. In the meantime, Delphine's mother, Baroness Sybille de Selys Longchamps, claimed via interviews her extramarital affair with King Albert II from 1966 to 1984, the very same time his marriage was in rift; she further revealed that Albert spent enough time with them during their daughter's childhood, who was told the alleged truth by the age of 18. Delphine's legal father, baroness' ex-husband Jacques Boël is a wealthy industrialist, whose properties reportedly exceed even those King Albert could afford to his heirs. Thus madame Boël wasn't interested to inheritance, but wanted to be recognised from her biological father, something the King declined for years.

Philippe of Belgium & his family after his inauguration as new King (2013)

Delphine Boël attends hearing of the constitutional Court
As long as Albert was Sovereign he was granted immunity as Head of state & couldn't be legally judged. In 2013 he abdicated in favor of his son King Philippe, for health reasons. Henceforth he lost the authomatic immunity & Delphine lead a court case against him, demanding from "her father" to publicly confess his paternity over her. After a long, inevitable procedure without consent from either side, Boël's party prevailed & set a deadline for Albert to submit a DNA test; after he passed the limits, the court imposed him a fine of 5,000 for each day he refused to pay. Finally, in late May 2019 the former King agreed to do the test, but still hoped for the right the results not to be revealed in his lifetime; eventually it was ruled down.

Delphine with her then young daughter, signing a book in 2008
The story's factual closure comes at the beginning of past week, when 85-year-old ex-King Albert II accepted - through his lawyer - his paternity over Delphine Boël. The monarch stated among others that he had seen the DNA' test's scientific result (which proved 99% positive to Delphine's sample), though argued that socially he didn't take part in serious decisions during the upbringing of his daughter, always respecting her relations to her legal father. From her part, Delphine's party stated that she was relieved for the result after many years of rejection, while recognition was necessary for the 51-year-old to particularly 'prevent her children from the same experience' later. Maybe 7 years of legal battles led to Boël's justification. But relations with the actual father Delphine claimed for never improved, as he did concede to end the "painful" story while she didn't find these final words as elegant, but rather as King Albert 'posed as a victim'.

King Albert II & Queen Paola (sitting centre) celebrating
their 60th wedding anniversary with family, in July 2019
The former King, currently a patriarch to the Belgian Royal family of up to three generations, has indeed continued his married life as normal after that difficult scandal half-a-century ago, & celebrated his Diamond Wedding with Queen Paola last Summer; however, his court case which finally led to his lose & humiliation, has already costed very much to his public image, somehow overshadowing his wider popularity & respect he achieved during his 20-year-Reign.

Videos close to the case:

& Several links of more deepening information:

Κυριακή 2 Φεβρουαρίου 2020

BREAKING: Qatar' Amir Changes PM (from within Al-Thani dynasty)

Sheikh Khalid (left) & Amir Sheikh Tamim (right) Al Thani
A reshuffle of Qatar's top government office happened last Tuesday, January 28 (2020). Sheikh Abdullah bin Nasser bin Khalifa Al-Thani, the Prime Minister & Minister of the Interior, submitted his resignation to the Ruling Amir (& world's youngest sovereign monarch), having served in the offices since his accession in 2013. HH The Amir Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamad Al Thani then appointed HE Sheikh Khalid bin Khalifa bin AbdulAziz Al-Thani to succeed the vacated positions, in a move seen as not unexpected.

The new appointment was comprehensed in an order by the powerful, 39-year-old ruler, issued as "an Amiri Decree No. (2) for the year 2020", after accepting the resignation of previous Prime Minister. Later the same day, Sheikh Khalid took his oath of office before the Emir & in attendance of Deputy Emir Sheikh Abdullah bin Hamad Al-Thani. This was followed by the re-formation of the governing Council of Ministers by a third Amiri Decree for the year 2020, with the new council taking their oath before the Amiri Diwan.
New Council of Ministers takes oath of office
according to the Amiri Decree No. (3), 2020

HE Sheikh Abdullah bin Nasser posted the same day on Twitter his gratitude & well wishes to the Emir for his precious confidence & guidance during his service. The ~60-year-old, British-educated, with a strong background in security & police service, was visited the same day by his third cousin, Father Emir Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani, former Amir, under whom he achieved all of his ministerial offices. He also has chaired the Supeme Committee of 2022 FIFA World Cup (that should take place in Qatar), but his meeting with a Hamas official caused speculation about a potential terrorist treat during the World Cup bid.

The newly-appointed Prime Minister was born in 1968 & obtained his bachelor's degree in business administration in the US, in 1993; he is as well a member of Al-Thani dynasty, though his exact relations with the ruling Amir have (yet) been undisclosed. Khalid bin Khalifa first worked for a gas company, before joining the posts of First Deputy Prime Minister & Minister of Foreign Affairs from 2002 to 2006. Then, the Amiri Diwan appointed him to the Office of Heir Apparent (future Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad), & a year later he became his chief secretary. Following the transfer of Amiri powers from Hamad bin Khalifa to Tamim bin Hamad in 2013, Sheikh Khalid was appointed to lead the Emir's office from 11 November 2014, until the day before his appointment as Prime Minister.

Sheikh Abdullah bin Nasser Al-thani (right) is visited by HH
Father Emir Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani (left)
on the day of his resignation, Tuesday - 28/01/2020.
Qatar adopted constitutional monarchy after a referendum in 2003, though its ruling family still occupies the most executive positions. According to the 2003 constitution, the Consultative Assembly - which discusses every new law before being voted by cabinet's majority & approved by the Emir - should have its two thirds elected; however every expected general election as far they has been postponed by unexplained moves & reshuffles from above. The office of Qatari Prime Minister was created in 1970, with the first government leader to be Sheikh Tamim's grandfather, (future) Emir Sheikh Khalifa Bin Hamad Al-Thani. Though it comes secondary after the ruling Amirs, whose powerful Al-Thani dynasty has reigned Qatar since the mid. 19th century.

More information can be found in the links bellow:

The final Sultan of Zanzibar & the world's oldest Monarch

  It is easy to bring this term into global spotlight when distinguished monarchs like Queen Elizabeth II & even religious leaders like ...