Δευτέρα 29 Οκτωβρίου 2018


Malaysia saw its royal traditions performed again last Monday (Oct. 22), when the Sultan of the state of Kedah was enthroned. The 76-year-old Sultan Sallehuddin (son of the late Sultan Badlishah), who ascended the throne in September last year was officially declared the 29th Ruler of his state, in a colorful palace ceremony of local customs, combined with muslim rituals, in front of representatives of Malay royalty & government. The honorary sobriquet: Al Aminul Karim was bestowed upon him on his enthronement. For many Kedahans (/Kedah's people) it was a unique opportunity to observe such a historical event, as the last one occurred here 59 years ago, when Sallehuddin's half-brother (& predecessor), the late Sultan Abdul Halim was installed back in 1959.

Preparations for the Installation (Mal. Pertabalan) were made ever since Sallehuddin's proclamation
as Sultan of Kedah on September 12, 2017 (the day after the death of Sultan Abdul Halim Mu'adazam Shah at the age of 89). The Sultan proclaimed his elder son, Tengku Sarafuddin Badlishah the new Raja Muda (Crown Prince) of Kedah on the 26th November, with his second son, Tunku Shazuddin Ariff being named Tunku Laksamana (second in seniority after the Raja Muda) in a joint ceremony at the Anak Bukit palace. He installed his wife, Sultanah Maliha Tengku Ariff, as Sultanah of Kedah in the same place on his birthday (April 30) this year. Thence, five major events/ceremonies were being organised, leading to the Sultan's enthronement. They were all broadcasted live by the Malaysian Radio Television and took place by the next order: Istiadat Letak Kerja (launching ceremony) on September 20, Istiadat Ziarah Makam (visit & pilgrimage at the predecessors' tombs, in Langgar Royal Mausoleum) on October 5, Istiadat Siram Tabal ('royal bathing ceremony' when
'spring' & 'Zam Zam' waters from the first ceremony were poured on the Sultan & Sultanah from earthen pots) on October 14, Istiadat Perarakan (royal parade, participated by the Sultan & his consort, who drove across the street's in a Golden Chariot, used for special ocassions) on October 20, and the Istiadat Pertabalan (or Installation ceremony) on October 22. Additionally, the Royal couple made many tours & travels in all the districts of Kedah during the Summer, to greet local people, ahead the installation itself.

The ceremony itself was steeped in Royal tradition, but with more attention to its Islamic status, rather than customary elements of mysticism. It was the first installation taking place in the Balairung Seri (/throne hall) of Istana Anak Bukit (as all the previous were held in Istana of Alor Setar) and the second one in more than a century (because al-Marhum Sultan Badlishah wasn't installed due to Japanese occupation at the beginning of his reign). The entire royal family of Kedah was in attendance, while the eight other monarchies of Malaysia were represented by their Heirs, Regents, or Rulers' sons. The four Yang di-Pertua Negeri (Supreme Leaders/Governors) from Malay states without monarchy were also in attendance. Malaysia's 93-year-old Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad (originally coming from this Sultanate), his son & Kedah's Menteri Besar (Chief Minister) Mukhriz Mahathir (with their wives), Deputy Prime Minister Wan Azizah & her husband former opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim, the Crown Prince of Brunei & his wife were present as well.

Guests began gathering at 8:30 am local time, while the ceremony started with the entrance of TRH the Sultan & Sultanah to the Balairung Seri just before 11am. They were escorted by regalia bearers with the: sceptre of religion (Cogan Agama), sceptre of the world (Cogan Alam), mace (Cokmar), swords, laces & waist buckle. On the entrance the “selawat” salutation prayer was recited, accompanied by a 'nobat' traditional orchestras tune. Their Royal Highnesses sat on the thrones and the Head of the ceremony, who led their procession inside, asked for the Sultan's permission to begin the ceremony. He accepted and then local chieftains proceeded to place installation' instruments on a special table in front of the Sultan. These items included the Holy Quran, letters of proclamation & royal oath of office, state 'keris' (assymetrical dagger), golden headgear (tengkolok), and a container of items, symbolising the power & richness of the ruler. 'Doa' prayer was recited by Kedah's Mufti, the Head of ceremony presented His Royal Highness the copy of Quran (symbolising monarch's religious authority), and the Sultan kissed it & placed it to a specially prepared place. Then Menteri Besar Mukhriz Mahathir read the proclamation document, Sultan Sallehuddin stood up & read his royal oath, after which he was presented the state keris (symbolising his right of sovereignty), and kissed it three times. Hence, the Head of the ceremony announced that Sultan Sallehuddin ibni Almarhum Sultan Badlishah has been installed as the 29th Sultan of Kedah (receiving the honorary sobriquet: Al Aminul Karim). He concluded shouting trice "Daulat Tuanku" (=Long Live the Lord), which, per custom, was repeated by all attendants.

Nobat orchestra played ceremonious tunes, performing the state anthem of Kedah (Allah Selamatkan/save the Sultan), followed by 21-gun salute. After that Raja Muda (Tengku Sarafuddin Badlishah) read the congratulatory message on behalf of the royal family, followed by that of Mukhriz (Mahathir), on behalf of the people & state. A final recitation of 'doa' prayer followed, before the Head of ceremony declared - with Sultan's permission - the Installation ceremony ended. That was the exact order of the main event. Five days later on Saturday (27/10/2018) night, Sultan Sallehuddin & Sultanah Maliha hosted a palace banquet, attended by members of government & state leadership, and this time by the most of actual Malay Rulers and the Sultan of Brunei, as well. 

Seri Mahkota 

Among other unique parts of Sultan Sallehuddin's attire for this installation, was also his tengkolok (headdress). It was designed similarly to the headdress of the late Sultan Badlishah, and matched to the traditional, yellow baju sikap state attire Sallehuddin wore for the enthronement. The headdress, named Seri Mahkota, was made of a one-metre long silk material, hand-woven from a gold thread, symbolisinf the Sultan's noble qualities and characteristics. As it usually happens, every part of royal regalia, used for the enthronement of a Malay Sultan, plays an important symbolic role (representing either religious authority, or state sovereignty, richness, national unity, rule above law, etc).

An integral part of royal regalia in many Malay states (including Kedah) is considered to be the Nobat, or "Royal Musical Ensemble", usual for the invertitures of Sultans. In Kedah, nobat performs tratitional songs at royal installations, weddings and funerals. Like few other states of Malaysia, Kedah has its own Nobat ensemble, playing everyday before prayers except the public holidays. Nobat consists of three gendang (two-headed drum) instruments, one or two serunai (flute or clarinet), a trumpet (nafiri) and a small gong (caklempong). Kedahan nobat also includes a velvet-covered sceptre, nahara drums, and a medium-sized mounted gong. There's also a popular legend, considering the nobat as sacred. It insists that for the abdominal lining of the first nahara drum a pregnant woman was sacrifised, providing cure for ailing children, whose mothers make a beeling to nobat Tower (in central Alor Setar), plegding an offering for their recovery. Ever since people claim to hear a wailing baby when nobat is played. Here the Mahaguru (conductor of Nobat) is responsible for the musicians, the wellbeing of instruments, and holds the namesake of velvet covered mace as well.

Al-Aminul Karim Sultan Sallehuddin Ibni Almarhum Sultan Badlishah
His Royal Highness (whose full name is Mahmud Sallehuddin), was born in 1942, the 9th of the 14 children of Sultan Badlishah ibni Almarhum Sultan Abdul Hamid Halim Shah, & third child of Sultanah Asma binti Almarhum Sultan Badrul Alam Shah (Badlishah's second wife). His father reigned over Kedah in 1943 & from 1945 to 1958. He grew up without the expectation to ascend the throne, as his elder half-brothers from Sultan Badlishah's first marriage were first in line. On the death of their father (1958), Sallehuddin's elder half-brother (Abdul Halim) became the Sultan, while two other brothers were closer in line of succession than him. Tuanku Sallehuddin underwent his military career in the early 1960s in India & Thailand, and was promoted to the rank of Colonel. He married Tuanku Maliha binti Almarhum Tengku Ariff in 1965, and they were blessed with two sons and two grandchildren (through their elder son). In 1981 Sallehuddin was proclaimed Tunku Temenggong of Kedah. In 2011 Sultan Abdul Halim was selected for the second time as Yang di-Pertuan Agong (Supreme King/Head of State) of Malaysia for a five-year term. During this tenure he appointed a council of regency over Kedah, that included Sallehuddin, and was led by his elder full-brother, Tunku Annuar. After Annuar suddenly died in 2014, Sallehuddin was left the senior member of regency council and took over as its head. Tuanku Abdul Halim had only daughters (who are not allowed to inherit the throne), and his heir (Raja Muda) was his younger full brother (Sallehuddin's half-brother), Tunku Abdul Malik, incapacitated due to old age. He died childless in 2015, aged 86, leaving Mahmud Sallehuddin the first in claim to Kedah's throne. In December 2016, the 89-year-old Tuanku Abdul Halim finished successfully his tenure as King of Malaysia, and returned to Kedah to reassume his duties as Sultan. Regency council was immediately dissolved, and among the first acts of the elderly ruler was to name Tunku Mahmud Sallehuddin as Raja Muda & the direct heir of the throne. Abdul Halim passed away nine months later with Sallehuddin becoming Sultan at the age of 75.


This Malay state with "Abode of Peace" (which its last two names mean) and one of the earliest Sultanates in the country has a rich history, beginning more than a thousand years ago. Its first sovereigns were Hindus, dated back reportedly to the 4th century AD. Islam came here in 1136 when the then King of Karadam, Durbar Raja II conversed to muslim faith, changed his name to Muzzafar Shah and adopted the title of Sultan. Kedah Sultans are listed unstoppably ever since then, longer than in any other current monarchy in Malaysia. They have in many ocassions used the perception about the Sultan's wisdom, including that of Muhmmd Jiwa Zainal Abidin I, who reportedly paved the way towards the end of feudalism ~500 years ago. Kedah was occupied by Siam (current Thailand) from 1821 to 1909, a challenging time for its hereditary monarchy. From the end of the occupation & right until today its Sultans have been cherished for unselfishness (& aiming the welfare of the people) despite any external circumstances. Following the end of WWII Kedah's monarchy was briefly abolished, when it entered the Malayan union, but was quickly reinstated when the union evolved to the Federation of Malaya (& later Malaysia). Sultans of Kedah are also known for their record-long reigns. Even the late Sultan Abdul Halim, who ruled over Kedah for 59 years, was just its third longest-reigning monarchs. Finally, Kedah's royal family is also popular, as the first Prime Minister of the Independent Malaysia, Tunku Abdul Rahman, was an uncle of Sultans Abdul Halim & Sallehuddin.


But the most intriguing part in the Malay monarchy, is that of its form today. Following the Independence of Malaysia from the United Kingdom in 1957 (& its gradual formation as we know it today), it is consisted of nine sovereign states and four non-monarchies. So it it was decided (at the very beginning) that Malaysia would be a Federation with Independent parliament & an elective, constitutional monarchy. The only elective monarchy - with the monarch's role limited - in the world. Well, it isn't exactly "elective", but rather 'selective' monarchy. Every five years the Conference of Rulers of Malaysia (participated by seven Sultans, a Raja & a Yang di-Pertuan Besar - all state monarchs) selects one of them as the Yang di-Pertuan Agong, something like a Constitutional monarch, or King. He is installed in a nationwide ceremony, settles in capital, Kuala Lumpur, performs his official state functions (of limited role), enjoys the privilegde of a King, and leaves his office on the end of his five year's term (to be succeeded by the next one). Up until now the line of selection of Malay monarchs as Yang di-Pertuan Agong followed a concrete rotation system, launched by seniority of rulers, and being currently repeated for the second time in order all the Malay states to be represented. But even this can't be predicted, as there is always a possibility the rulers to select a more popular of them who won their confidence, breaking the established (de facto) "line of succession". During his term the Agong can't fullfil his 'duties' in his state (where he may have more "royal authority"), so he appoints a regent, or a regency council, to replace him during his term. Also along with the actual YDP Agong, a Deputy Yang di-Pertuan Agong (usually the most preferable successor) is elected (also among the rulers), to replace him, when needed. In case of Yang di-Pertuan Agong's death or depisition, while in office, his Deputy take the role of acting Agong until the selection of the next King. Yang di-Pertuan Agong's term is not fixed on special dates, so if he leaves is position before the scheduled time, new dates of reign's start & end is established. As of yet, Kedah has also to be proud for another unique 'achievement' of its Sultans in national level, as the late Tuanku Abdul Halim Mu'adzam Shah lived long enough to oversee the rotation system of Agong's selection repeated, being the only Malay ruler as of now to reign as King of Malaysia for two full five-year terms, in different periods. He was the 5th Yang di-Pertuan Agong from 1970 to 1975 and the 14th from 2011 to 2016. His latter successor, Sultan Muhammad V of Kelantan, is the current, 15th Yang di-Pertuan Agong of Malaysia.
(Almarhum Tuanku/Sultan Abdul Halim Mu'adzam Shah)

(KDYMM SPB YDP Agong XV, Sultan Muhammad V)

A video from the installation, full video & videos from some additional events (in Malay):

& more links/sources of information!!:

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