Τρίτη 30 Οκτωβρίου 2018

A "Royal Wedding" ... without Royalty!!. Sunday 30/09/2018

A special wedding took place a month ago in Romania's mountainous Sinaia. Nicolae Medforth-Mills, a handsome, tall, darkhaired 33-year-old British-educated young man, grandson of the last King of Romania (through his mother) tied the knot with Alina-Maria Binder, a 30-year-old beautiful native Romanian, he had been engaged with since Summer last year. The orthodox religious ceremony was held at the local Church of St. Elijah, being officiated by Calinic, the Archbishop of Arges and Muscel, and a group of local priests. Hundreds of people lined the streets outside the church to see the couple arrive & leave, and to watch the ~1 ½ hour service from two giant screens outside. After it ended at around 4pm, the newlyweds rode in a fairytale-style open horse-drawn carriage, for 2 km route to the local Sinaia Casino, where they hosted their wedding party later that evening for 200 invitees. The first official photos, mostly reproduced by local Ostafi journal, were published in the next few days. Everything seemed perfect... from the properly dressed high profile guests to the bride's outfit (made by a compatriot designer) of subtle popular motifs... from cheering crowds bearing the former royal flag & chanting the couple's names to singing the national anthem of Romania's kingdom after the couple exited the church, but... what about Royalty?

Yes, no matter of how bizarre might it seem, there were no royals present at the service. At least nobody with a clear royal title in use. Not even the bridegroom's mother (who, according to the non-reigning royal house's rules, is titled a "Princess of Romania"). She informed him by phone that she'll not attend. His aunt, titular Crown Princess Margareta, who is the current Head of the defunct Royal House (& Custodian of the Romanian Crown) received an invitation, asking her to be a wedding witness (or Koumpara as it's called in orthodox tradition)... the invitation was returned unoppened. The only relative of the groom in attendance & a bridesmaid was his sister, Elisabeta Karina, not a member of the royal famly, but in-line of succession to the former throne, recognised in the Household's rules. So why such a cold atmosphere & rejection from the own ex-Prince's family? 

Nicholas Medforth-Mills once was very popular both for Romanian royal family and its remaining royalists. The son of 'Princess' Elena & late British professor Robin Medforth-Mills, and a senior grandson to former King Michael I, he grew up and was educated privately in Switzerland and England. He first came in the spotline at the age of seven, when the former royal family was legally alowed to visit Romania for the first time since the fall of Communism, joining his grandfather at a hotel balcony in Bucharest with the latter speaking in front of thousands of crowds. Gradually the Royal family received a permanent permission by the government to come back, with their citizenship being restored and some residences returned. Nicholas grew up and became an attractive person, close to the public, involved in charities and taking part in sports initiatives. His popularity, along with that of the royal family grew up in the eyes of many monarchists, who considered them as beacons of moral values & national unity, principals they found in question among the present political & ruling elite.

King Michael, who helped to overthrow a fascist regime in Romania during WWII, but lost his throne to communists back in 1940s, used this "popular acceptance" to stabilise the royal house's position in present and open it up to a future perspective of being restored. He created a document (signed in 2007), called the "Fundamental Rules of the Royal House of Romania", describing the former Royal family's independent position in Romanian society, creating a new succession order for the Household's headship, as well as a hypothetical line of succession to the former throne (in case monarchy would be re-established), based on agnatic primogenitureand so allowing females to succeed if there was no senior male heir. His five daughters were named Princesses of Romania, while his grandson, Nicholas, became a prince (with the style of Royal Highness) at the age of 25 (in 2010). Now the third in line of succession (after his aunt - the Crown Princess - and mother), Prince Nicolae became more involved in so-called "royal duties", with some of the conservative population seeing him as a King-in-waiting. He attended official functions, traveled across Romania, participated in sporting events and charities (like cycling across Romania to raise funds fovulnerable children). All seemed perfect for him, until the 'beautiful day' of August 1, 2015.

That day, in an official palace statement, Michael I announced the withdrawal of royal status from his grandson, stripping him of his royal titles and priviledges. The announcement stated that "His Majesty asserted that the Royal Family and Romanian society of those times will need a modest reign, well balanced, with moral principles, and always thinking about others" and that he hoped Nicholas would find a right path to realise himself in his life. His mother received a private letter on the topic & the Royal Householf declines to comment further. 

Following that, a confusion begun about the relations within the royal house, especially spotted by local media. Some sources said that this decision was made because of Nicholas' alleged relationship with a Romanian woman, that resulted an extramarital child (a daughter, born in early 2016), that the former Prince failed to recognise. Medforth-Mills himself accepted this affair, but not his paternity, declaring that he was ready to find out the truth via a DNA test, something the young mother declined. Other sources told about a possible tention between Nicolae and his aunt (Margareta) with her influential husband Radu Duda (former Romanian actor and once a candidate in Presidential elections) for the claim to the defunct throne, as the aged former King was gradually withdrawing from public life. This has not yet been proven.

Nicolae Medforth-Mills was close to his Royal grandfather for the most of his life. They shared the same interest in collecting & driving old model cars & jeeps. He spent a lot of time at Michael's residence in Switzerland (where he lived a very simple life), and even after his exclusion from the royal family, the King reportedly told him that he was still a member of His own family, and despite being no more a member of the royal house, Nicholas was always acceptable in private. When Medforth-Mills announced his engagement to Alina Binder, a Romanian journalist, in August 2017, King Michael (then retired from activities due to illness) & the rest of the Royal family sent their congratulations and blessings. But the rift with the rest of his family was yet to be shown. In November (2017), the former King (battling with leukemia for a more than a year) was in serious condition, with his entire family gathering at his bedside. Not entire family, but entire royal family. Medforth-Mills tried to pay him a visit, traveling directly to his residence from London, but failed to do it. The same day the royal family filed a complaint to the local police against Nicholas alleging that he tried to force his way into his grandfather's home. In a statesment the palace said he "physically and verbally assaulted three staff members", with his mother expressing her disappointment about her son's actions, stating that he disregarded the King's privacy, suffering & dignity, clarifyign that His Majesty didn't wish to see him "due to his lack of moral principles". Nicolae responded through his facebook page (& an interview) that he won't take part in this "dirty game". He stated that he just wanted to see his grandfather, maybe for the last time (something proper for a grandson & christian at such difficult moments), accusing his royal relatives of stoping him to do so and discrediting his name (he declined the physical assault). Moreover, the former Prince declined the palace's claim that he agreed with the abrogation of his royal title, reporting that "there has never been any understanding, or signed agreement of my departure from Romania and the condition that I will not return to the country", stating that he'll legally challenge this exclusion. That's what we know from reported information... Nicholas would never again see his grandfather. King Michael died on December 5, at the age of 96. He was the last living state leader from the Interwar and his passing and farewell drew high attention not only in Romania, but across Europe & beyong. Nicolae and Alina (who had married civilly in a secret ceremony that October) were allowed to participate in the state funeral and memorial services for the last King.

And then the time "comes back" with a more clear explanation of everything. It's Summer. Wedding preparations are made, detail-to-detail. Invitations are being sent. As time comes closer, everything is calculated, so all the security measures to be taken for a "grand event". A "royal event". In a country without monarchy for 70 years. And even without "Royals" (/or at least royal claimants) in attendance. So why this pomp? Why this attention? The ceremony is being held in a "traditional" mood. All Orthodox rituals are completed, Archbishop Calinic makes an extended speech about King Mihai (who concecrated this church), Queen Ana & Queen Maria, the crowds outside cheering for "our future King", choir performing Trăiască Regele (=Long Live the King - the Royal anthem)... etc, etc, etc. Nicolae and Alina accepted the warmth of the public & showed them their warmth & love. The next two days they paid tributes... to fallen soldiers & former Kings. While the current "Custodian of the Crown" (who is styled Her Majesty according to her Household's fundamental ruler) was in France paying tribute to soldiers who fought in WWI and contributed to the Greater Romania a century ago. Princess Elena wasn't spotted paying a public tribute this day. But unlike her daughter, she also decided not to go... So now, what we have? Two sides of royal claimants, concuring for a potential restoration? A "royal family" considering this wedding as a "private affair" and "boycotting" it... while this private wedding receives more than  royal attention and popularity? Or/And a mother born to a former monarch in exile, who receiving a "handwritten" royal title & name, accused her non-royal son of immorality, and... refused to attend his own wedding!? At the end everybody was delighted! Or, at least shaw that in public! In private we don't know. We shouldn't... But this leaves us the space to re-think... to re-think and re-consider... what really matters, and what no. So, a "Royal Wedding in Centennial (Great) Romania", or a private wedding of two popular young people, or even a "Royal Wedding" without royalty, its meaning is in more than a royal status, or royal values & morality... but in Real ones. Those of a human heart & soul, able to accept, forgive and stay higher than any prejudices and iconic principles in such circumstances. So (for me) A MORE THAN ROYAL WEDDING.

Some videos (including the full broadcast) of(, or related to) the wedding:

Additional links & information:

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