Τρίτη 12 Νοεμβρίου 2019

BREAKING: JORDAN - Two Royal Births & an Engagement in half-a-month (21/10, 26/10 & 8/11; 2019)

The Royal family of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan has been filled of happy events in the last three weeks. Two months after the death of late King Hussein's first wife, the family of his last wife flourish with new members & an upcoming Royal wedding! Queen Dowager Noor has been blessed with two more grandchildren, with her (& late former King's) youngest daughter engaged to be married.
King Hussein I (1935-1999) & Queen Noor (nee Lisa Halaby; b. 1951)

Crown Prince Al Hussein greeting newly-enthroned Emperor Naruhito & Empress Masako of Japan on Tuesday, October 22
King Abdullah holding baby Prince Mohammad Al Hassan
with Prince Hashem on His right & CP Hussein on his left.
On Monday, October 21, while Crown Prince Hussein was on his way to attend the Enthronement of Japanese Emperor Naruhito, his uncle (the youngest half-brother of King Abdullah II) welcomed his first son. Prince Hashim bin Al-Hussein (King Hussein & Queen Noor's second son) & his wife (Saudi-born) Fahdah Mohammed Abunayyan, named their fifth child (& only son) Mohammad Al Hassan bin Hashim. A picture of all abovementioned (living) men together with the newborn Prince was spread soon in public.

Five days later, another happy event occured privately, only to be announced after ten days. On Tuesday November 5, the Royal Hashemite Court, published in a brief statement, announcing the engagement of Queen Noor's second daughter (& youngest child), Princess Raiyah bint Al Hussein, 33, to Mr. Faris Ned Donovan, 25. The engagement took place on Saturday, 26 October 2019 & the (British-Australian) groom has evidently already conversed to Islam; he will reportedly be moving to Jordan in December. Her Royal Highness has attended Japanese Studies & is a PhD candidate in Japanese literature, while her husband to be (maternal grandson of British novelist Roald Dahl), a Delhi-based freelance journalist. The court extended them "its sincere congratulations".

Prince Hamzah bin Al Hussein

Finally, 18 days after his younger brother, former Crown Prince (1999-2004) Hamzah bin Hussein had his first son after five daughters. He & his second wife (Princess Basmah Bani Ahmad Otoom) welcomed their fifth child on Friday, November 8 (2019). They named him Hussein, after his late grandfather (reigned 1952-99).
White-haired Princess Muna pictured (front line centre) with her daughter-in-law, Queen Rania on Her right, last Sunday.

King Abdullah II (right) on the Parliement's state opening (last Sunday)
Descendants of King Hussein's (1935-1999) four wives now made up the next most senior royal family branches after that of King Abdullah II (b. 1962). His mother, Princess Muna (b. 1941) & former Queen Noor (b. 1951) are still alive among Hussein's consorts. Noor's eldest son Prince Hamzah was appointed heir presumptive by his half-brother following their father's death, but removed him five years later, paving the way later for His elder son, Crown Prince Al Hussein (b. 1994). Regardless any changes & removals (included in the King's authorities), Hazmah (b. 1980) is still in line of succession to the throne, as well as his newborn son (10th in line) & nephew (13th in line), placed per current hierarchy.
King Hussein while motorcycling with Queen Noor (in their free time)
Previous publication about King Hussein's senior wife, Dina bint Abdul Hamid, who died in August:

Further links of (more &) concrete information:

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