Τετάρτη 22 Μαΐου 2019

BREAKING: DUBAI' CROWN PRINCE, Two Younger Brothers MARRY to brides of Same Dynasty! (Wednesday 15 May 2019)

Three unexpected Royal Marriages were arranged in Dubai last week! The three elder sons of the Emir (& UAE' Premier) Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al-Maktoum were married last Wednesday night. Their three brides, are all from their Al-Maktoum dynasty.

Local media reported that the three Princes had their religious ceremonies on Wednesday night, meaning they had signed their engagement contracts, with the recitation of Al-Fatiha muslim prayer. Members of the public were reportedly overjoyed by the news.

The contract should be signed by the bridegroom's parents, or at least two male relatives, allowing the couple to begin courtship.

Among the grooms was the current Crown Prince of Dubai, Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed Al-Maktoum, who married Sheikha Shaikha Bint Saed Bin Thani Al-Maktoum. Shaikha won't have a special style as future potential ruler's consort, such as polygamy as a right of male royals is still implemented in UAE.

Sheikh Hamdan was born on November 14, 1982, and is also known with his pseudonym as Fazza (the one who helps others).

He was appointed Crown Prince through a royal decree on February 1, 2008, after his elder brother, the late Sheikh Rashid bin Mohammed Al-Maktoum fell out of the Ruler's favour.

Educated in UAE, he studied Economics & Governmental affairs in London & is a graduate of UK' Sandhurst Royal Military Academy.

Hamdan is very popular for UAE youth & has a lot of hobbies, including sports (equestrian & car raises, skydiving, diving...), poetry in his native arabic, animals & photography.
Fazza is also very active on his instagram account, where he often publishes his patriotic poems, images from nature & with desert animals, and his sporting activities.
A champion in several local & international endurance races, he supports some charities, related to sport, learning difficulties & enterpreneurship, often fundraised by his billionaire father.
The second of three grooms, Sheikh Maktoum bin Mohammed Al-Maktoum, Tied-The-Knot with Sheikha Maryam Bint Butti Al-Maktoum. He was born on 24 November 1983, and is the Deputy Ruler of Dubai since 2008. A graduate of the American university with a bachelor's degree in bysiness administration, he also studied governmental affairs in Dubai & enrolled in Harvard as well.

Maktoum is in addition specialized in Media affairs, chairing Dubai's Media Incorporated & Dubai Technology and Media Free Zone Authority (TECOM Investments). He has accompanied The nation's President (& Abu Dhabi' Emir) Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al-Nahyan, while the latter was handing over official visits & events.

Ahmed (left), next to his Sovereign father & elder brothers
The third brother to marry was Sheikh Ahmed Bin Mohammed Al-Maktoum (born 7 February 1987), who Wed Sheikha Midya Bint Dalmouj Al-Maktoum. Few things are known about Sheikh Ahmed, except that he Chairs the Knowledge Foundation, named after his father.

Though the main ceremony (Al Akhd) is over, lavish celebrations and lavish wedding receptions are now expected, so the couples could finalise their marriage. They are organised privately and often take place months after the contract's signing in UAE.

Wedding receptions are being held separately in UAE for the grooms & brides with only male or female guests (respectively).

More than one grooms can host a common reception, while the bride is usually the star of her own one. In case of a royal wedding, UAE cities are often decorated, with public festivities ongoing.

Such as the marriages were registred during the Holy Month of Ramadan, when families get together, the Royal Wedding - in one day - of three brothers, including the heir apparent, will undoubtedly be a cause of rejoice & major celebrations in near future.

Headline of Sheikh Mohammed's poem on his sons' wedding
The three brothers, are the elder surviving sons of Sheikh Mohammed to his senior wife (& cousin) SHeikha Hind bint Maktoum bin Juma Al Maktoum. Sheikh Mohammed, 69, has served as Vice President & Prime Minister of UAE since his accession in 2006.
He launched several initiatives of the country's development, achieving a high rank among first-class countries in the world, however his policies were more than once subject of criticism for alleged human rights abuses.

The uniquely-decorated wedding invitation
Following the publication of pictures from the Princes & their wedding invitations, a large amount of congratulations & best wishes poured in from inside & abroad, with Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al-Nahyan, the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi & de-facto Ruler of UAE, being among the first to Congratulate his "brother" & "sons". He wished them success, joy & "overwhelming family happiness".

Videos from the wedding reception & headlines:

& Further links of additional information:

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