Δευτέρα 8 Απριλίου 2019

BREAKING: Prince Louis and Tessy of Luxembourg's Divorce FINALISED (Thursday, 4/04/2019)

Announcement by Luxembourgish Grand Ducal Court
The permanent divorce of Prince Louis of Luxembourg & his estranged wife, Princess Tessy, has been declared last Thursday.

The decision was pronounced as decree absolute by court judge Mr. Justice MacDonald at London's family division' High Court.

Previously, a not-yet-finalised decree nisi was ordered in February 2017. A hearing had taken place last year to fix post-divorce financial arrangements of the 32 year-old Prince & his ex-wife.

After numerous options & some disagreements from both sides, it was ruled out that Prince Louis should pay nominal maintenance to Tessy & also a maintenance (from his own pocket) for his two underage sons (Gabriel 13, & Noah, 11), £4,000 each year per child. Money-offerings by the Grand Ducal Court were ruled out.
Prince Louis (of Luxembourg) with his sons
In addition, it was decided that 'Princess' Tessy & their children would be allowed to occupy their London residence, until the youngest child finishes his 'first-degree (school) education'.

Louis & Tessy had lived in London for some time until their separation in late 2016, where their children still go to school.
Princess Tessy represented herself at High Court' hearings

Prince Louis is the third son of Luxembourg's current Grand Duke Henri & Grand Duchess Maria Teresa, & grandson to former Grand Duke Jean. He met his wife, Tessy Antony in 2004, when they were still teenagers. She had voluntary joined Luxembourgish Army & served in the UN troops in Kosovo, which Louis was inspecting.

They soon developed a romance, which led to the unprecendented birth of the Grand Duke's first grandchild (Prince Gabriel) in March 2006. Thus Tessy & Louis decided to marry, which they did on 29 September that year, both aged 20 at the time. They younger son, Prince Noah, 'arrived' a year later. Tessy suffered a miscarriage at her third pregnancy (which she didn't reveal until last year).
It was not until the national day of Luxembourg (June 23) in 2009, when Grand Duke Henri formally recognised his daughter-in-law as a full-member of the royal family, granting her the style of "Royal Highness" & the dynastic titles of: "Princess of Luxembourg", "Princess of Nassau" & "Princess of Bourbon-Parma". They children took the titles of 'Princes of Nassau'.

The young family first lived in US & then in the UK. Apart from royal engagements (on behalf of the Luxembourgish court), Princess Tessy opened her charity, (an NGO,) called 'Profesors without borders', while Louis pursued his Master studies in Phsychology.

In 2016 they found evident differences that stoped them from harmonical coexistence & begun spending time separately by the end of that year. Their divorce proceedings were confirmed by Luxembourgish royal court on January 18, 2017.

Since the separation, Louis has lived in France, while Tessy & their children remained in the UK. From the very beginning the splitting couple prioritized their children's normal lives, and agreed to cooperate for them "as a wonderful team".
Tessy Antony-de Nassau (/Princess Tessy of Luxembourg)
Following last Thursday's divorce confirmation, Princess Tessy announced that her titles (disputed all these two years) will remain the same (Princess of Luxembourg, Nassau & Bourbon-Parma) until September this year. Thence she'll adopt the double surname: her maiden Antony and hyphen (-) with: de Nassau.

Tessy Antony with her children at a campaign against cancer
However, Tessy Antony is not anymore listed in the Royal family of Luxembourg, and is excluded from any royal functions within it. Though Princes Gabriel & Noah of Nassau will retain their royal family membership & titles, inherited by their father. But as Prince Louis' marriage was a morganatic one, he renounced the right of succession to the Luxembourgish throne both of himself & his descendants.

Further links of additional information:

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