Τετάρτη 13 Φεβρουαρίου 2019

DAULAT TUANKU! Sultan Abdullah Is the 16th King of Malaysia

Sultan Abdullah, pitured centre-front, leaving Balairung Seri of Istana Negara, along with other Malay monarchs, after the Conference of Rulers' 252nd Special meeting, which saw him being sworn-in as Malaysia's Yang di-Pertuan Agong XVI.
Malaysia got its 16th King at the end of January, as the newly proclaimed Sultan of Pahang was sworn in office of Yang di-Pertuan Agong. Sultan Abdullah, 59, was elected as Head of state by the Conference of Rulers on January 24 (2019), to succeed Sultan Muhammad V of Kelantan, following his unexpected abdication earlier this month. Sultan Nazrin Shah of Perak, who served as acting King during the interegnum took the office of Deputy Agong for the second time. Under Malaysian monarchy's unique rotation system, one of the county's nine hereditary rulers is chosen as YDP Agong for a five-year-term, in a succession line qualified on the seniority of their respective states (during the first rotation). Abdullah's consort, Tunku Azizah Aminah Maimunah Iskandariah, filled the position of Raja Permaisuri Agong (King's consort), which had been vacant during his predecessor's term. 
(Abdicated) Yang di-Pertuan Agong XV, Sultan Muhammad V of Kelantan

YDP Agong Sultan Abdullah (left) & his Deputy, Sultan Nazrin Shah of Perak (right)

Abdullah of Pahang & his consort Azizah, the new Raja Permaisuri Agong.


Royal Standard replacement: 

The five-year term of Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri'ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah Ibni Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah al-Musta'in Billah as the 16th Yang di-Pertuan Agong of Malaysia, formally begun on the midniht to Thursday, January 31. It was signed with the replacement of the Sultan's personal flag with that of the King's standard, which was raised outside the Abdulaziz palace (in Pahang) after 11:45'pm on Wednesday (January 30). Thursday had been declared a public holiday in the Sultanate.

Departure from Kuantan to Kuala Lumpur: 
Yand di-Pertuan Agong Al-Sultan Abdullah being farewelled by people before departing from Kuantan's Air Force base.

The new YDP Agong departed from the palace with his consort (the new Raja Permaisuri Agong) soon after 7am (on Thursday), with more than 260 policemen stationed at the trafic lines in (state capital) Kuantan for the motorcade procession to the local Royal Malaysian Air Force base. Thousands of Pahangians from all walks of life lined the streets to see their Sultan becoming the country's King, the second such ocassion in their history, with the first having ocurred 4 decades ago. It was expected to take 30 minutes for the entourage to arrive. At the air base, Sultan Abdullah received a salute from the guard of honor, followed by the performance of national anthem Negaraku and firing of 21-gun-salute. Prayers led by the state's Mufti conducted the short ceremony. The King & Queen, wearing a traditional songket attire of light blue (turquoise), greeted their people, and then boarded to the special aircraft, flying to the capital.
Departing from Kuantan's Royal Malaysian Air Force base
Arriving at KL International Airport & escorted by members of Selangor Royalty (including the Raja Muda/Crown Prince, pictured in yellow behind Tunku Azizah)

Welcoming ceremony at Parliament Square: 

The aircraft, bringing Sultan Abdullah & (his wife) Tunku Azizah Aminah Maimunah, arrived at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport at 9:10am. Members of Selangor (Sultanate)'s royal family & other officials escorted the King & Queen at the airport, before they headed to the Parliament Square for an official welcoming ceremony. Here Their Majesties were welcomed by the Prime Minister (Mahathir Mohamad), his wife (Siti hasmah) and his deputy (Wan Azizah Wan Ismail) after 10am. Then they all stayed on a special carpeted platform, while the national anthem & 21-gun-salute were performed. The ceremonial salute Hormat Diraja followed with Sultan Abdullah inspecting (the same time) the guard of honour, made up from four officers & 103 from the Royal Malay Regiment's 1st Battalion. After Abdullah returned to the royal stage, Federal Territories Mufti Datuk Seri Zulkifli Mohamad performed a (muslim) prayer recital, before Negaraku & Hormat Diraja were played once again, concluding the ceremony. The Yang di-Pertuan & Raja Permaisuri Agong's entourage then left for the national palace (Istana Negara) for the 252nd Special Meeting of the Conference of Rulers & the oath-taking ceremony in its duration.

252nd Conference of Rulers' Special Meeting: 

Before the Conference meeting (broadcast live on national TV), the Yang di-Pertuan Agong was welcomed by the Maharaja Lela (class frigate) Maj. General & the Keeper of the Rulers' Seal at Istana Nagara, before being greeted by attending Rulers, chief-ministers or representatives from each of the Malay 13 states. 7 out of nine monarchs came from their state, with only Pahang & Kelantan (states of the previous & ascending Kings) being represented by their regent/heirs. Then the Conference of Rulers proceeded to Balairung Seri (~throne hall) for the official ceremony in front of state dignitaries & officials. Selangor's Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah chaired this meeting, converting at 10:55am.

During the ceremony, official document/"instrument of office", presented by the Keeper of Rulers' Seal, was signed first by the King and then by his deputy. Both Sultan Abdullah (59) & Sultan Nazrin Shah (62), also read their oaths of office, thus being formally sworn-in as Yang di-Pertuan Agong & Timbalan (/Deputy) Yang di-Pertuan Agong (respectively). The Sultan of Terengganu (Mizan Zainal Abidin) & Raja of Perlis (Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin) - the two most senior monarchs-by-reign & former YDP Agongs - seved as the witnesses, and signed the proclamation instruments as well. It was followed by a 'doa' prayer recitation by the Mufti of Sabah (state) for Almighty's blessing towards "Their Majesties, the people and nation". Then the 93-year-old Prime Minister (Tun Dr. Mahathir) pronounced the official letter of proclamation, thus formally beginning Abdullah's five-year reign as Head of state of Malaysia. The ceremony completed & the Conference of Rulers departed Balairung Seri; they posed for an official portrait with senior government officials, before departing the palace.
Malay Rulers, governors, state leaders & representatives, pictured together


Sultan Abdullah was elected as Yang di-Pertuan Agong (directly translated as He who is made Lord) during the 251st Special meeting of the Conference of Rulers, on Thursday, January 24(, 2019). His selection was widely expected as he was the next-in-line of a rotation-based exchange of reins between the nine Malaysia's constituent monarchies, implemented since the country's independence (1957). This election meeting came urgently, following the historic first abdication of the previous YDP Agong, Sultan Muhammad V of Kelantan, on January 6 (after he reportedly tied-the-knot with a Russian former Miss Moscow in November last year), having served in the position for nearly 25 months of his 5-year-term (that was scheduled to end in December 2021). The deputy Yang di-Pertuan Agong, usually elected from the next-in-line state for the same term, was expected to be Abdullah's brother-in-law, Sultan Ibrahim of Johor. However the latter declined his candidacy, and so the chose passed on the 'next-in-line', the Sultan of Perak (who had served as acting King during the throne's 25 days of vacancy (January 6-31). 8 out of nine Malay Rulers (except the abdicated King), attended the meeting, chaired by the Sultan of Terengganu (longest-reigning current malay ruler).
Malay monarchs attending the 251st (Conference of Rulers') Special meeting

Who is the Yang di-Pertuan Agong XVI? 

Abdullah is currently the shortest-reigning current malay ruler, and the monarch & state leader with the most recent assumption-of-office worldwide. He succeeded his ailing father, 88-year-old Sultan Ahmad Shah (also a former YDP Agong, between 1979 and 1984) as Sultan of Pahang last January. Born July 30, 1959, Abdullah became Tengku Mahkota (Heir Apparent) of Pahang in 1975 (the year after his father assumed the state throne). A British-educated fan of sports (especially football & hockey), graduate of (UK's) Sandhurst Military Academy, he was proclaimed Regent of his Sultanate twice; first at age 19, when his father was elected as Head of State for five years, and second (time) recently, in December 2016, when the elderly Sultan's health begun to decline. Following the King's abdication last month, and in order to guarantee the traditional rotation line's continuity, providing a successor from Pahang; the Sultanate's Royal Council decided - through an amendment of local constitution - to end the reign of Sultan Ahmad Shah (too old & ill to serve a full Agong's term) and proclaimed Tengku Abdullah as the next Sultan on January 15. Thus he became a valid candidate for the subsequent election as Yang di-Pertuan Agong.
Ayahanda Baginda Sultan Ahmad Shah, surrently the oldest living (former) Malay monarch

Sultan Abdullah & Tengku Ampuan Azizah

Sultan Abdullah married twice: to Tunku Azizah Aminah Maimunah Iskandariah (daughter of the late Sultan Iskandar of Johor) in March 1986 (with whom they have six children; four sons - three alive - and two daughters), and to former actress (Che Puan) Julia Rais in 1991 (with whom he has three daughters). He has also an adopted son, Tengku Amir Nasser Ibrahim (b. 1986), from whom he is a 'grandfather' of two. His senior wife, Tunku Azizah, was proclaimed the Tengku Ampuan (Sultan's consort of royal blood) of Pahang on January 29, just two days before she became the new Raja Permaisuri Agong (Head of State's Consort/'Queen'), a post which had been vacant in the past two years (as the previous King was divorsed). In the same ceremony with her, their elder son, Tengku Hassanal Ibrahim, was proclaimed the new Tengku Mahkota and Regent (for 5 years) of Pahang.
Abdullah was generally described as a kind, caring Ruler, calm & very close to his people, trying to keep himself 'above politics' & not to meddle in minor conflicts (as the royal decorum states). Having patroned various sport's federations, he is also currently a member of FIFA executive commitee.
Pahang's Tengku Mahkota & Pemangku Raja Hassanal Ibrahim
Alam Shah
, pictured (centre front) after his father's proclamation


Sultan Abdullah becomes the first Yang di-Pertuan Agong of Malaysia with a father, who also served as King in the past, alive into his son's Head of state's term. His predecessor was the first ever to serve this term with his father alive. Malaysia is a constitutional monarchy, with the YDP Agong's role seen as widely ceremonial, whose duties include pardoning of political prisoners, official hosts & governments' swearing-in; and despite enjoying the priviledge of a Sovereign monarch, he cannot take political decisions. The only other Agong's posts of sole leadership are those of Commander in Chief & Defender of Islam. Hence the country's governance will not have any impact left due to this change, however from now-on reins will be exchanged on another date, as terms are not fixed on a standard date of limit, but just expire five years following the YDP Agong's swearing into office. Abdullah's term is now scheduled to end on January 30 (to 31), 2024. And since last month has been a historically unique one for Malaysian monarchy (with the first-ever elected-King's abdication and a Sultan's one, decided without his will to promote his regent to the national throne' succession), unique by itself through the elective, rotational, exchange of its nine state rulers (of high-estimated moral authority) as state leaders; it is really worthy to take a deeper look toward this country (with a much different system from the rest 42 world's monarchies), its history & royal traditions; while its people currently live them, and praise their new King through the traditional glorifying chant: DAULAT TUANKU! (which means: Long Live the Lord!).

Relative topics from previous publications:

Videos describing the event/s:

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