Δευτέρα 30 Δεκεμβρίου 2019

BREAKING: ARI BEHN, Norwegian Princess' former husband, COMITTS SUICIDE On CHRISTMAS day

This year turned to a very sad ending for the Norwegian Royal family. It was announced that Ari Mikael Behn, former husband of Princess Märtha Louise & father of their three daughters, ended his life by suicide on Christmas day (December 25) at the age of 47. His death was made public by his personal spokesman late on Wednesday (25/12/2019) night, and respect for family privacy was asked.

Ari Mikael Bjørshol was born on 30 September 1972 in Aarhus, Denmark. He is the son of danish school teachers, who moved to Norway in late 1970, with Ari being baptised into the Christian community of Moss town. He studied in a Norwegian school and obtained Bachellor Degree in history & religion from the University of Oslo. Ari took his maternal grandmother's surname in 1996, while the rest of his birth family still use the name Bjørshol.

Princess Märtha & Ari Behn in 2013
Ari Behn was an author & playwriter. He had issued a number of novels, collections of short stories & plays, & also participated to several TV documentaries about exhotic places. His literary debut was made in 1999 with collection translated as "Sad As Hell", which made up to 100,000 copies & was translated to several languages. With his wife they issued a joint book about their royal wedding. Behn married to the daughter of Norwegian Sovereign Couple on 24 May 2002, with whom they had 3 daughters: Maud Angelika (b. 2003), Leah Isadora (b. 2005) & Emma Tallulah (b. 2008). His wife, a clairvoyant had been controversially involved into running a training centre for contact with the dead & angels. The couple lived in UK, before moving to Lommedalen, Norway.
painting by the late Ari Behn

With their daughters

Behn also became involved in visual arts from 2013, painting in neo-expressionist tradition. & participated in design projects too. From 2009 he had ocassionally shared about his depression & loneliness, which he tried to calm down through alcohol. In August 2016 Princess Martha & Ari announced their separation, after many alternative unsuccessful attemps to go forward together. Both Ari & Märtha Louise had become involved to extramarital affairs. They divorsed in 2017, but continued good relationship with Ari renting an nearby appartment to be close to his family. He was still invited to some events of Norwegian royal family. In December 2017, Mr. Behn acussed US actor Kevin Spacey of inappropriately gropping him during an after-event of Nobel Peace Prize in 2007, to which the latter didn't respond. Behn didn't put forward any proceedings.

Joint photo with Norwegian Royal family, taken a few years ago
The tragic death of Ari Behn was a shock, especially given that he was invited to spend Christmas holidays with the Royal family. An enormous outpouring of grief stuck Norway. Condolences poured out from far and wide, beginning from politicians up to the royal houses of Scandinavia. King Harald V & Queen Sonja of Norway expressed their sorrow in a statement, describing their son-in-law as "an important part of our family for many years" of whom they bring many, fond memories. They grieved for their orphaned grandchildren & sympathised Behn's parents & immediate family.

Ari Behn with his mother, Marianne Solberg Behn (b. 1953)
Crown Prince Haakon & Crown Princess Mette Marit also issued a statement, talking about their brother-in-law as a good friend & much-loved family member, with whom they shared many precious moments. Their thoughts were with Princess Märtha Louise & her daughters. Ari's family responded thankfully to all condolences a few days after his death, saying that it warms them knowing how important he had been for many. In a moving facebook post, his mother said that "...darkness never took you. IT was the bright shining LIGHT merging with you". News became headlines in Norway, with people leaving countless flowers & candles on top points of Oslo (eg Palace Square), Moss & Lommedalen, and mental health awareness becoming widely discussed. Several church services, among other tributes, were taking place as well.

Ari Behn's funeral takes place on Friday, January 3, 2020, at 1pm, at the Oslo Cathedral. It is be accessible to the public. At this time of immense tragedy, his family needs a warm public support firsthand.
Ari Mikael Behn (b. Bjørshol; 1972-2019), in memoriam.

Tribute videos for Ari Behn & one of his wedding:

& Additional links of further information:

Κυριακή 29 Δεκεμβρίου 2019

Gen. PREM Tinsulanonda (1920 - 2019); a royalist 'military statesman', who once was the world's oldest monarch

Soon after the most spectacular (yet) Royal transition of this century was culminated, an essential part of its smooth & elaborate development became part of history. General Prem Tinsulanonda, the most senior Thai royal court figure, former state leader & once the oldest-living de facto monarch in the world, passed away at the age of 98. He died on Sunday, May 26 (2019) of heart failure at Phramongkutklao hospital, where he was emergently transferred from his residence at ~5am, and was pronounced dead at 9:09am.
General Prem's body drapped into a Thai flag leaves the hospital where he died

General Prem was born on August 26, 1920 at Thailand's Southern Songkhla province. His family was honoured by Thai monarchy with the surname Tinsulanonda given by King Rama VI in 1919. Prem took his name from a senior revered monk as well. After his school graduation in 1937, Prem enrolled to an army technical school & later joined the military to participate in Indochina War & WWII. He became an army officer & in 1952 earned a scholarship, which he used to study in a US cavalry school. Prem Tinsulanonda never married & used to compare his bond with army as 'marriage'.

Prem first entered to politics in 1959 & rose to prominense by late 1960s, reaching the rank of major general & status of senator. In the early 1970s he participated in anti-communist expeditions in Northwestern Thailand, earning respect for providing amnesties & trying to intervene through dialogue. He also served as MP & in the second half of decade became the chief general of Thai Army being also appointed to senior ministries. King Rama IX appointed Prem as Prime Minister in 1980, a rank he held until 1988. Despite his inexperience in technocracy, his royalist views & mighty position contributed to the rise of reverence of Thai monarchy (which is de jure constitutional since 1932) & the revival of its influence in political decisions through the model of guided democracy (with a network of the most powerful elected officials, loyal to the King).
Prem (left) with King Bhumibol Adulyadej (1927-2016) / Rama IX (1946-2016)
Regent Prem Tinsulanonda (central-line, standing centre)
invites Crown Prince Vajiralongkorn to ascend the throne
After stepping down from politics, Prem retained his popularity & was soon named the King's senior adviser at the Privy Council. In 1998 he became its Head. Tinsulanonda was reportedly the most trusted adviser of King Bhumibol Adulyadej, and often used to make influensive decisions from behind the scenes. He is supposed to be the man behind a military coup against populist elected PM in 2006, which caused uncertainty. However, both men are hailed as forefathers of modern Thailand's history with Prem regarded as statesman. In the early 2010s as King's health failed, his influence declined, but he still remained a mentor to the (powerful) military. Prem openly endorsed a 2014 bloodless coup (the 13th successful during constitutional monarchy) and the current military junta, that uses the most oppressive lese-majeste laws in the world.
Military junta leader & Thailand's Prime Minister Gen. Prayuth Chan-o-cha
(kneeled) pays respects to elder statesman Prem Tinsulanonda at his residence

Elder statesman Prem receives Malaysian elderly Prime Minister
(his countepart in 1980s) Mahathir Mohammad (b. 1924) in 2018

Gen Prem (standing) was the oldest official to pay respects
to the newly crowned King Maha Vajiralongkorn/Rama X
Strength & longevity also contributed to the senior positions Prem reached. Outliving the frail revered King in 2016, the 96-year-old Head of the Privy Council took briefly the reins as Regent of Thailand, before the Crown Prince accepted his invitation to take the throne as King Rama X. In the 50 days from revered King Bhumibol's passing until Vajiralongkorn's formal proclamation as new King, the elder statesman (already the longest-lived Thai Prime Minister & one of the oldest-living state leaders worldwide) was technically the world's oldest monarch / Head of State. Still strong and resilient until his last days, Prem played a key-role in King Vajiralongkorn's coronation ceremonies last May, and also signed the certificate as a wittness of his royal wedding to Queen Suthida on May 1. The oldest official to participate in paying respect to the newly-crowned King, Prem declined an offered chair during a long-standing ovation. He died naturally 20 days later.

Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn (sitting) presides over the
first-day funeral bathing rite (Monday, 27 May 2019)
Prem's body was placed into a royal coffin at Banchamabophit marble Temple in central (capital) Bangkok the day after his death, & Buddhist funeral rites performed. Princess Sirindhorn attended the first-day bathing ceremony on behalf of the King & Queen.

Their Majesties attended the first week funeral ceremony (June 2). Vajiralongkorn, who was reportedly at odds with Prem & via a new constitution seems to have replaced guided democracy with immediate royal power, ordered national mourning of 21 days for the deceased (until June 17), with the exception of June 3 (which is the new Queen's birthday).
King Vajiralongkorn & Queen Suthida participate in Prem's funeral (8/12/2019)

Prem Tinsulanonda's Royal Urn at his funeral
Further merit-making ceremonies were held for the 15th, 50th & 100th day of elder statesman's passing. Some time after his residence was handed over to the state (through military) in mid. October, the King allowed the culmination of state funeral for Prem Tinsulanonda on Sunday, December 8 (2019) with his cremation taking place on that day. The three-day elaborate farewell included a funeral procession to Dhepsirin Temple, the main merit-making ceremony & officials (including Their Majesties & members of royal family) paying respects to the royal urn, placed above Prem's coffin. After the cremation was complete, General Prem's ashes & relics were collected on December 9 by Head designate of the Privy Council, with more prayers held for them.
Prayers over Gen. Prem Tinsulanonda's ashes & relics - 9/12/19

Prem Tinsulanonda got down to history as the embodiment of an era, maybe matching to an option of modern democracy in Thailand, but still fairly far from its literal meaning in the world.
General Prem Tinsulanonda (26/08/1920 - 26/05/2019)

Link from the immediately previous publication about King Rama X's coronation ceremonies:

Videos about Gen. Prem's background:

& further Links of comprehensive information:

Δευτέρα 23 Δεκεμβρίου 2019

CORONATION of KING VAJIRALONGKORN / Rama X of Thailand (May 4-6, 2019 +more events)

The most regal, colourful, & diverse royal succession events, rooted in centuries old traditions & with the state deeply involved, took place this year in Thailand. HM King Maha Vajiralongkorn, also known as Rama X, was coronated in a series of elaborate ceremonies, being formally enthroned as the 10th monarch of Chakri dynasty (reigning since 1782) & the upholder of Buddhism as well. The coronation (which costed almost $30 million US) was the first to be broadcasted live to the nation & the world. The previous one for Vajiralongkorn's revered father King Bhumibol Adulyadej (Rama IX) - who died in 2016 - had taken place exactly 69 years earlier. There is a look back on how these events unfolded!

Bhumibol Adulyadej (1927-2016), King Rama IX (1946-2016)
Two years after the death of its previous Sovereign & one year after his pompous state cremation (following a year-long mourning), Thailand found itself ahead of large celebrations of the new monarch's enthronement. 2019 was seen as the auspicious year for King Vajiralongkorn's elaborate Coronation, the first one since that of his late father, who reigned over the nation for 7 decades. From the very New Year's day the long-expected event was fixed to May 4-6 with major preparations for this milestone of historic symbolism taking place. Although Maha Vajiralongkorn, the only son of Bhumibol Adulyadej (1927-2016) & Queen Mother Sirikit (b. 1932), was appointed Crown Prince from 1972, he spent most of his life privately abroad, and until recently has not had an immediate contact with Thai public, as that of his predecessor, who was regarded a Father figure for his people.

Vajiralongkorn (b. 1952), King Rama X
The new King (b. 1952), who used to spend his time in a luxurious German villa & has had seven children (3 still members of the Royal family) from three marriages (that fell appart), started to emerge in public eye in past decade, when his father's health deteriorated. He went through a smooth succession process in 2016 (waiting for 50 days under an elder statesman's regency before being formally proclaimed King), supported by the royalist military government, in power since 2014, which undisturbedly enacted the most strict lese-majeste legislature (against royal defamation) in the world, imprisoning people for years should they defame the royal family via social media accounts. The King paved the way for this government to prevail in this year's national elections (the first since before the 2014 military coup), forcing his elder sister Princess Ubolratana to cancel her candidature for Prime Minister in an opposition party the day she announced it, & also urging the general public to "vote for good people" in a highly-influensive statement on the election eve (tactic also used by his father).

Procession of Royal Golden Plaques to Wat Phra Kaew (May 3)
Meanwhile pre-coronation events kicked off in April, each of them bearing a significant symbolism in the centuries' long Thai Royal history. Waters from central rivers of the country's all 76 provinces were concentrated by government officials & after religious blessings in nearby Temples were transported (through processions) to capital Bangkok & re-placed from Grand (royal) Palace to Interior Ministry, to Wat Suthat Temple, & again to Grand Palace's Wat Phra Kaew (Temple of Emerald Buddha) for more blessings (by Buddhist monks). These waters would play an important role in Vajiralongkorn's investiture as Sovereign & preserver of religion. On April 23, at the auspicious time 8:19am in the ordination hall of Wat Phra Kaew, a secretive ceremony of recording the King's horoscope (by royal court astrologer Chatchai Pinngern) & the new royal family titles was held (followed by their casting on specially prepared Royal Golden Plaques), before the horoscope (with symbolical meaning in Thai beliefs) was also engraved at the Royal Seal of State. The King was absent, but sent a personal representative to wittness the ceremony. Further prayers were held.

On May 1, just three days before the main Coronation events, King Rama X surprised the public by naming his personal guard, Gen. Suthida Tidjai his official Royal Consort, designating her as Queen. A Royal wedding ceremony was held that afternoon at Amphon Sathan Residential Hall in Bangkok's Dusit Palace, wittnessed by members of the military government & royal family. The certificate was signed by The King's sister, Princess Royal (Maha Chakri) Sirindhorn and former Prime Minister & Regent Gen. Prem Tinsulanonda (who passed away later that month (May 26) at the age of 98). The timing of the King's fourth marriage was a symbolic move (clarifying whom he wanted as a consort ahead of formally ascending the throne), but it wasn't the first of its kind. On his time King Rama IX had chosen to marry Mom Rajawongse Sirikit Kitiyakara (then 17) just a week before his coronation, also naming her Queen (albeit King Bhumibol, then 22, was already engaged with Sirikit and their single marriage lasted for 68 years, unlike their son's multiple short-lived family attempts).
King Bhumibol installing Sirikit as Queen-Consort (5 May 1950)

Together with his new Queen (b. 1978), the 66-year-old Sovereign (Head of State) presided over the final pre-crowning engagements. On May 2 they paid respects to the Equestrian Statue of King Chulalongkorn (Rama V) & Memorial of Rama I (founder of Chakri dynasty). On that day several mass ordinations of Buddhist monks occured in all Thai 76 provinces. The eve of coronation (May 3) was filled with multiple preparative rituals of Hindu-Brahman-Buddhist background (assossiated with the nature of Thai monarchy, & its semi-divine character). The Golden Royal Plaques & Royal Seal of State (with the King's official name inscripted) proceeded to Grand Palace's Phaisan Thaksin Throne Hall. Later the day, the King & Queen presided over a long-trailed ceremony at nearby Amarin Winitchai Throne Hall of the same palace. After paying respects to the relics of previous (cremated) Kings (enshrined at an adjoining shrine within the Palace Complex) Their Majesties wittnessed the laying of protective threads (from evil spirits) by Buddhist monks within the buildings & lighting the Candle of Victory by (92-year-old) Thai Supreme Patriarch to signify the formal commersement of coronation events. Then, after the presentation of sacred leaves to the Chief Brahmin & his entourage, an alms giving ceremony to Buddhist monks and more multi-faith rituals to bless the King's octagonal throne & nine-tiered Umbrella (symbol of the Crown) the Royal family departed.
Somdet Phra Supreme Patriarch Ariyavongsagatanana IX lights Candle of Victory
Supreme Patriarch purifies King Rama X

Brahmin Chiefs purify King Maha Vajiralongkorn

The events of Saturday, May 4 (2019) caught a global attention, being the most spectacular & directly rooted to ancient tradition among every current monarchy. The first part was a bathing right to purify the King ahead of his enthronement. Vajiralongkorn, wearing just a simple white robe came to a special platform in the grounds inside Grand Palace' Complex and was poured with part of the 'sacred waters' collected from 76 provinces. He was separately blessed by the Supreme Patriarch, Chief Brahmin & Hindu religious, who prayed before him kneeled, like to an incarnation of God. Meanwhile a 101-gun salute was being fired nationwide & traditional prakhom band of trumpets played a fanfare. Following the end of this act, the main event of annointment & coronation took place (late morning) at Phaisan Thaksin Throne Hall in the presence of Royal Family & Privy Council. The King seated on the octagonal throne & was dressed into gold-embroidered regal robes. He was annointed with the rest of sacred waters, poured (through nine bowls) into his hands by representatives of government, royalty & religion(s), who attended the previous day's ceremony. After the annointment His Majesty was presented with the nine-tiered Royal Umbrella (a crown-alike symbol of the consecrated Sovereign), the seating bellow which transformed him into a Devaraja (or god-King). Finally, in a similar to vestern-style coronation (but still bearing each symbolic significance), King Rama X was presented by the Chief Brahmin with the Golden Royal Plaque, the Seal of State & the main Royal Regalia, including the 7.3 kg Great Crown of Victory (worn only for formal events). The Royal anthem was playing the same time & a 40-gun salute by all regiment & battalion of Thai Army spontaneously fired in a ceremonial way across the nation.

The Chief Brahmin informed the King of his new Royal title (Phrabat Somdet Phra Paramendra Ramadhibodi Srisinra Maha Vajiralongkorn Mahisara Bhumibol Rajavarangkura Kitisirisumburna Adulyadej Sayamindradhipeshra Rajavarodom Borommanat Pobitra Phra Vajira Klao Chao Yu Hua) and then His Majesty ordered his first Royal command:

"From today, I shall continue, preserve, and build upon the royal legacy and shall reign with righteousness for the benefit and happiness of the people forever.".

The Chief Brahmin responded:

"Your Majesty, I do receive this the first command of yours, and will fulfill it to the best that I can do.".

King Vajiralongkorn proclaims Suthida as Queen
After a water-offering to the Hindu Goddess of Earth, the Queen-Consort's turn to be installed came. HM Queen Suthida kneeled before her Sovereign husband to be poured with holy water & leaves on head & ear and then was bestown the Order of the Royal House of Chakri (among other distinctions), while a fanfare was playing & Buddhist benedictions recited. Then The Crowned King temporarily put out his Gold-embroidered crown and dropped gold & silver flowers as alms to Court Brahmins and coins for members of the royal family to collect. He left the Hall to Amarin Winitchai, where - by that time - the long-lighted Victory Candle was extinguished. At 13:19, Their Majesties participated in the Assumption of the (Chakraphat Phirman) Royal Residence, dressed into colourful attires, with animals & objects symbolizing flourishing & protection (from "evil spirits"). At 2pm the same day (May 4), His Majesty The King gave his first address from the Phuttan Kanchanasinghat throne (Amarin Winitchai Throne Hall) in audience to members of the Royal Family, Privy Council, the Government & Legislature (/Parliament). King Vajiralongkorn wore again the full royal regalia, including the Great Victory Crown. In this speech, Rama X called upon everyone from their position, to cooperate in unity, building a strong nation. Princess Sirindhorn represented those who responded on behalf of the family, Prime Minister ret. Gen. Prayuth Chan-o-cha the Government & the National Legislative Assembly was represented by its President Pornpetch Wichitcholchai. Before & after the Speech (as the curtain, revealing or covering the enthroned under the nine-tiered Umbrella King was opened & closed), The Thai Royal Anthem was played, while the first time a 21-gun salute was fired.
Princess Sirindhorn responds to The King's throne address on behalf of the Royal family
King Vajiralongkorn pulls coins as 'alms' to the Royal family

Newly-crowned King gives alms to Buddhist monks

King proceeds to the Temple of Emerald Buddha (May 4, 2019)
Gen. Prem Tinsulanonda (1920-2019; standing) pays respects to HM the King

Emotional family moments after the naming of new royal titles

emotional family moments as new royal titles have been given
King Proceeds across Bangkok's streets (Sunday, May 5)

Finally, at 4pm (Saturday) The regally attired King was transported by military personell on a pallanquin throne in a colourful procession for a few hundred metres to Wat Phra Kaew Temple (within the Palace Complex). Therefrom he formally proclaimed himself as the Upholder of Buddhism, Brahmanism & Hindu religion in Thailand (with all of its signifying roles). A new era for Thai Royal history had started. Next morning (of Sunday, May 5) a ceremony was held to bestow new titles upon members of the Royal family, give them their respective Royal Plaque & decorate them with honorary awards. It took place at the same Amarin Wichitcholchai Hall & included the King praying knelt before the portraits of his parents, to both of whom he bestowed new royal titles (& formalised King Rama IX's reference as "the Great"). It also included the rest of royal family members to bow in a semi-lying position to the King at the time they were conferred by him. Queen Suthida, who sat by Vajiralongkorn, also curtsied the same time, in respect of her recent appointment & the fact that some Princesses precede her due to their age. Such new titulations have been used by some monarchs on their coronation. Later that day (May 5) a grandiose Royal Procession, comprised of peefoot & cavalry troops, bodygurds, senior officials & military government leadership, military bands, The King's pallanquin, royal family members & bearers of Royal Regalia & Seals, paraded through the streets of Bangkok in the largest spectacular show of the new King to the general public since his coronation. In her capacity as his previous bodyquard, HM Queen Suthida proceeded in her military uniform close to the King, as probably did maj. Gen. Sineenat Wongvajirapakdi (who later would be briefly appointed Vajiralongkorn's Royal Noble Consort, the first official concubine to a Thai King in 98 years, though just to be dissmissed three months later for disloyalty & power abuse). At every Buddhist Temple met by the procession in City centre, His Majesty stopped & offered his respects to the ashes of previous monarchs, enshrined there. The three-day coronation events were culminated on Monday afternoon (May 6) with "a Sea of Yellow" (people dressed in traditional royal colour) gathered beneath the balcony of Suthaisawan Prasat Pavilion Hall, where from The King (accompanied by The Queen & His royal children) greeted & addressed the general public for the first time; in the evening an air exhibition took place by more that 300 drones at Sanam Luang Royal Plaza.
Royal family's greeting from the balcony (Monday, May 6, 2019)
Nine-tiered Umbrella, Thai King's crowning symbol
Thus, formal events of the three-year-long Royal transition in Thailand came to an end. However, this year included some more regal events, either directly-related to King Rama X' Coronation or paid by more attention due to the significance monarchy is altering by them. On May 7 an elephant parade took place across Bangkok's cities, as a bond with the past assossiation of these animals with Thai monarchy. In mid-May the official election-results (unclear since national elections in late March) were announced & The King opened the new Parliament Session for the first time as a Crowned Sovereign. Later in Summer he would approve the junta's iconic move to recognise the restoration of civil order (& parliamentary democracy), although lese-majeste law is still implemented. Despite the constitutional monarchy (in place since 1935) Thailand is still under a traditional bond with its Sovereign, which describes them above political parties & weighs their opinion as highly influencive. Apart from a banquet for the King's 67th birthday on July 28 & an annual ploughing ritual in May; the latest event, closely assossiated with the Royal Coronation, was the Royal Barge Procession across the Chao Phraya river (of Bangkok), which was postponned from October 24 to December 12. It finally occured with King Vajiralongkorn, Queen Suthida, Prince Dipangkorn Rasmijoti, & Princesses Bajrakitiyabha & Sirivannavari Nariratana proceeded in one of the 52 royal barges in the shape of muthical creatures & driven by dozens of (traditionally-dressed sailors); after its end The King was once again transferred to the Grand Palace by the Royal Pallanquin procession. This continuous excalleration (a unique part of Thai royal traditions) is performed for over 700 years now.
Royal Barge Procession - Thursday, 12 December 2019

See also previous publications about King Rama X's fourth marriage & brief Royal Noble Consort:

Videos of a relative topic:

& Links with some further information:

The final Sultan of Zanzibar & the world's oldest Monarch

  It is easy to bring this term into global spotlight when distinguished monarchs like Queen Elizabeth II & even religious leaders like ...